
The list

Geodesy to Cartography shift

Analytical tools in Cartographic Heritage+geodetic thinking


Geodetic thinking...

The geodetic thinking is very supportive and at the end very useful in approaching the geometric part of the cartographic heritage

Geodetic approaches in Cartographic Heritage

In many aspects, related to the comparative analysis of old maps; to the digitisation and representation of globes; to the analysis of the deformations of the supporting material of maps and affine cartographic objects, geodetic approaches show the proper way to deal with Cartographic Heritage involving geometry


Pluralism is the main characteristic of the list of publications: from papers in peered reviewed international journals, to canference proceedings, collective volumes, honorary books; from text-books to regular books for experts and the general public; from monographs to articles in the press; from specially designed bifoliates to assist exhibitions to booklets with specialised content; from CDs and DVDs to power point presentations; from panegyrics about maps to map-albums promoting important aspects of mapping and cartographic heritage; from unpublished material to lecture notes, all are parts of a dense continuum of mental labour in the wonderful world of mapping, of the geometric and geothematic description of the earth, of the cartographic representation and heritage


The list of publications starts in 1971 with a paper in Greek, appeared in the Technical Chronicles, the official journal of the Technical Chamber of Greece: a review paper concerning the optical-mechanical scanning of the terrestrial thermal radiation. The first research paper in English, presented in an international Conference held in Graz, Austria, was: E. Livieratos and G. Veis 1972, "On the possibility of using satellite triangulation methods to terrestrial triangulations", published in the Conference Proceedings Satellite and Terrestrial Triangulation, Mittlg. Geod. Inst., TH Graz, Austria, Folge 11, 177-185. This paper was the precursor of the relevant doctoral dissertation presented in 1974

The list

Since then, a number of publications of various typologies sets the list, mainly in Greek and in English with some few in Italian. In the list given here there is no distinction between the type of publications. In some cases, especially for the recent papers, the link to a pdf-file gives direct access to the full-paper. The list is also developing in chronological order from 1971 to the present-day, with the recent publications ordered to the top

The list 1971 - 2021 (en, el, it)


In general, one can notice that, the first part of the publications (the older, from the bottom of the list upwards) concerns geodetic issues while the second part, to the top of the list, concerns cartographic issues

Geodesy to Cartography shift

This has to be expected due to the shifting of insterest to cartography from the mid-1990s onwards, keeping however alive the geodetic thinking in approaching the many issues of cartography, mapping, representation and especially those of cartographic heritage, where e.g. the analysis of the geometric content of the old maps, the comparative techniques used and the deformation issues involved (e.g. in 3D digitisation of globes and of the undulated old map-surfaces, due to various reasons) require the implementation of concrete geodetic methods and techniques for setting up strategies and solutions

Analytical tools in cartographic heritage+ geodetic thinking

The field of the geometric and/or the projective analysis, even the interpretation and evaluation of the old maps (or other cartografic objects i.e. the globes) as well as the problem of the comparision of two or more old maps for answering questions e.g. on the way they were constructed require implicit familiarity with the geodetic foundamentals, as it is e.g. the transformation issues, the optimal fittings etc, especially when the digital techniques are involeved in the processes. In other words the geodetic thinking is very supportive and at the end useful in the treatment of the geometric part of the cartographic heritage, which it is very distinct in the Terms of Reference (ToR) of the relevant ICA Commission on Digital Technologies in Cartographic Heritage. Two, among the five items listed in the ToR, are affine to geodetic approches, the second and third items