

The Enchanted Forest WiFi provider!

Mediterranean 2015

The Battle of Issus

Mapping our World

Cognitive issues



Geo-comments by Georgiou

MapUtopia blog

Thinking aloud

Used to demonstrate one’s thinking process, by speaking aloud one’s thoughts. It allows students to “see” inside the brain, and learn how effective learners approach reading and other tasks; ref.

a. To reason about or reflect on; ponder: Think how complex language is. Think the matter through. b. To decide by reasoning, reflection, or pondering: thinking...

It means to literally speak one's own thoughts. When you think out loud (or think aloud, or talk to yourself), it's not directed to anyone but yourself...; ref.

Wunderkammer+ Miscellanea

This space here is dedicated to cartographic wonders, to strange hypothetical questions, to poems with maps and other curiosities which found the map as the object at the centre or close to it

The wonderful miscellanea then, which makes the map coming closer to Oscar Wilde's quote ...



It is really fascinating to discover maps in poetry, and the other spaces of grand creative minds, from the Classics to Checov, to Borges and to the others; to digest mentally the story in the Brief thoughts on maps... by the poet and immunologist Miroslav Holub (1923-1998) and the genial science fiction of Borges talking about the scientific accuracy of mapping in his Universal History of Infamy, the 1:1 divine scale of the map! But the major question intriguing the thinking of a professor of cartography, for very many years, unfortunately with no answer untill now, is the eventual relation, or not, of Little Prince (the known Petit Prince of cource) with maps...

Was the Little Prince a map-enthusiast or a map-sceptic?


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Mediterranean, Spring 2015

Dimitris Hantzopoulos, Athens daily KATHIMERINI, 21 April 2015


The Battle of Issus, 1529

Maps in Grand Painting: a 3-D perspective image of East Mediterranean from 1529. The masterpiece by Albrecht Altdorfer [w] (1482-1538) "The Battle of Issus" from 1529 (Alte Pinakothek, Munich) contains a "super modern" 3-D perspective (bird-eye) represetantion of the geography of East Mediterranean (Cyprus, the Red Sea and the Nile Delta) in a really impressive view. It is worth visiting! [w]


Mapping our World

An important map exhibition at the National Library of Australia (Parkes Place, Parliamentary triangle) in Canberra. With maps from the NLA collection, and top European libraries (British Library, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Marciana Library of Venice, Vatican Library) site | video


Cognitive issues of children in cartography

A name-tag from a conference in Japan on cognitive issues of children in cartography



Story+Animation EL


Questions on projection or on false certainties about Europe ?


Geo-comments by Geo-rgiou

Art-cartoonist Gregoris Georgiou gave his tilted view every month, in 2014, using globes and maps in 12 geo-comments


MapUtopia blogspot

An old blog (2006-2008) for cartography and maps, dedicated to the heritage of cartography and maps especially -but not only- from the view point of modern digital information and communication technologies, with still interesting material...