PERIOD 2019-2023

PERIOD 2015-2019

PERIOD 2011-2015

PERIOD 2007-2011


The Commission is powered by AUTH CartoGeoLab and ELTE Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics


The member's scientific and professional interests should have an obvious relevance to the subjects of Cartographic Heritage and to the Commission's targets.

A Commission member for the next working period (2023-2027) is either an active member or an observer member. The choice depends on the member's degree of interest to be active or just to keep an eye on what the Commission is doing.

Usually, the active member is involved in research and/or professional duties and activities on issues relevant to the Commission's Terms of Reference, and to Commission's subject-topics, working, contributing and participating in conferences, workshops, and similar events and publishing the work carried out.

If the member could participate and present papers in the Commission's Conferences (or in other meetings around) the better for the Commission and the membership.

To be a Commission member gives the opportunity/possibility to follow what is going on in the field, to participate in the Commission's activities and exchange experience, information, ideas, results etc, to present the work done in meetings and to publicise the Commission and the concepts/contexts of Cartoheritage.

Contact: Mátyás Gede


Membership list

Mátyás Gede (Chair) Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, saman@inf.elte.hu
Evangelos Livieratos Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, livier@auth.gr
Andrea Adami, Politecnico di Milano, Polo Mantova, Italy, andrea.adami@polimi.it
Hongye Bai, National Library of China, Beijing, China, hongye@nlc.cn
Jesús Balado Frías, University of Vigo, Pontevedra, Spain, jbalado@uvigo.es
Caterina Balletti, University IUAV of Venice, Italy, balletti@iuav.it
Elton Barker, The Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, elton.barker@open.ac.uk
Zsombor Bartos-Elekes, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, bezsombor@yahoo.com
Marcy Bidney, American Geographical Society Library, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA, bidney@uwm.edu
Gabriele Bitelli, University of Bologna, Italy, gabriele.bitelli@unibo.it
Chrysoula Boutoura, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, boutoura@auth.gr
Paolo Buonora, State Archives of Rome, Italy, paolo.buonora@beniculturali.it
Jiři Cajthaml, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic, jiri.cajthaml@fsv.cvut.cz
Angelo Cattaneo, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, ang.cattaneo@gmail.com
Elena Dai Prà, University of Trento, Italy, elena.daipra@unitn.it
Karen De Coene, Ghent University, Belgium, Karen.DeCoene@UGent.be
Igor Drecki, University of Auckland, New Zealand, i.drecki@auckland.ac.nz
Stuart Dunn, Kings College London, United Kingdom, stuart.dunn@kcl.ac.uk; stuart.e.dunn@gmail.com
Henrik Dupont, Royal Library, Copenhagen, Denmark, hd@kb.dk
Anton Dvornikov, Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, Russian Federation, antondvk@cartlab.ru
Chris Fleet, National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, c.fleet@nls.uk
Alexey Frolov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation, npkfrolov@gmail.com
Joaquim Alves Gaspar, University of Lisbon, Portugal, alvesgaspar@netcabo.pt
Georg Gartner, Technical University of Vienna, Austria, georg.gartner@tuwien.ac.at
Giorgia Gatta, University of Bologna, Italy, giorgia.gatta@unibo.it
Jelena Glišović, National Library of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia, jelena.glisovic@nb.rs
Yingyan Gong, Ningbo University, Zhejiang, China, gyyan61@126.com
Anna Guarducci, University of Siena, Italy, annaguarducci@gmail.com
Francesco Guerra, University IUAV of Venice, Italy, guerra2@iuav.it
Dmitri Gusev, Purdue University, Columbus, IN, USA, dgusev@purdue.edu
Evelina Guzauskyte, Wellesley College, Boston, MA, USA, eguzausk@wellesley.edu
Jan Havrlant, Research Institute of Geodesy Topography and Cartography, Zdiby, Czech Republic, Jan.Havrlant@vugtk.cz
Krisztina Irás, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, iras@map.elte.hu
Leif Isaksen, Lancaster University, United Kingdom, l.isaksen@lancaster.ac.uk
Tomáš Janata, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czechia, tomas.janata@fsv.cvut.cz
Alexandra Kousoulakou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, kusulaku@auth.gr
Menno-Jan Kraak, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, m.j.kraak@utwente.nl
Peter van der Krogt, Explokart, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, peter@vanderkrogt.net
Carla Masetti, Roma Tre University, Italy, carla.masetti@uniroma3.it
Marco Mastronunzio, European Commission Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy, mastronunzio@gmail.com
Paulo Menezes, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, pmenezes@acd.ufrj.br
Alida C. Metcalf, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA, alida.c.metcalf@rice.edu
Boris Michev, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA, bom17@pitt.edu
Mira Miletić Drder, National and University Library, Zagreb, Croatia, mmiletic-drder@nsk.hr
Amin Mobasheri, University of Heidelberg, Germany, amin.mobasheri@geog.uni-heidelberg.de
Salim Mohammed, David Rumsey Map Center, Stanford, CA, USA, gsalim@stanford.edu
Carme Montaner Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, carme.montaner@icgc.cat
Andrea Nanetti, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, andrea.nanetti@ntu.edu.sg
Eva Novotná, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, eva.novotna@natur.cuni.cz
Ferjan Ormeling, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, f.ormeling@geo.uu.nl
Tomasz Panecki, University of Warsaw, Poland, tpanecki@uw.edu.pl
Marcos Fco. Pavo López, National Geographical Institute, Madrid, Spain, mpavo@fomento.es
Maria Pazarli, Cartographic Heritage Archives, General State Archives, Thessaloniki, Greece, pazarli@maplibrary.gr
Damien Petermann, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, France, damien.petermann@yahoo.fr
Nathan Piekielek, Penn State University, State College PA, USA, nbp104@psu.edu
Ângela Pité, National Library of Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal, angela.imp.05@gmail.com
Nopi Ploutoglou, Cartographic Heritage Archives, General State Archives, Thessaloniki, Greece, ploutoglou@maplibrary.gr
Mihailo Popovic, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria, Mihailo.Popovic@oeaw.ac.at
Roberto Ranzi, University of Brescia, Italy, roberto.ranzi@unibs.it
Rafael Roset, Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, rafael.roset@icgc.cat
Rainer Simon, Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna, Austria, rainer.simon@ait.ac.at
Renata Šolar, National and University Library, Ljubljana, Slovenia, renata.solar@nuk.uni-lj.si
Lichun Sui, Chang'an University, Xi'an, China, lichun_sui@aliyun.com, sui1011@chd.edu.cn
Stig Svenningsen, Royal Library, Copenhagen, Denmark, stsv@kb.dk
Julie Sweetkind-Singer, Stanford University, Stanford CA, USA, juliets@stanford.edu
Milan Talich, Research Institute of Geodesy Topography and Cartography, Zdiby, Czech Republic, Milan.Talich@vugtk.cz
Jan Trachet, Ghent University, Belgium, Jan.Trachet@ugent.be
Vassilios Tsioukas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, tsioukas@topo.auth.gr
Angeliki Tsorlini, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, atsorlin@topo.auth.gr
Bram Vannieuwenhuyze, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, B.J.Vannieuwenhuyze@uva.nl
Ifigenia Vardakosta, Library and Information Centre, Harokopio University of Athens, Greece, ifigenia@hua.gr
Yingjie Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, wangyj@igsnrr.ac.cn



Aileen Buckley, ESRI Inc., Redlands, CA, USA, abuckley@esri.com
Daniel Cole, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA, coled@si.edu
Florian Hruby, CONABIO‐ National Commission for Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity, Mexico City, Mexico, florian.hruby@conabio.gob.mx
Bernhard Jenny, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, bernhard.jenny@rmit.edu.au
Ching Jen Kao, Chinese Cultural University, Taipei, Taiwan, chingjen1958@gmail.com
Anna Kuśmidrowicz-Król, National Institute for Museums and Public Collection, Warsaw, Poland, akusmidrowicz@nimoz.pl
Sang-Il Lee, Seoul National University, South Korea, si_lee@snu.ac.kr
Luis Robles Macías, Brussels, Belgium, luis.a.robles.macias@gmail.com
Leonardo Rombai, University of Florence, Italy, leonardo.rombai@unifi.it
George Tolias, National Research Foundation, Athens, Greece; École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris, France, gtolias@eie.gr
Keiji Yano, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan, yano@lt.ritsumei.ac.jp